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NEW Early Childhood Classes

SCB is very happy to offer two new classes that focus on early childhood development, taught by trained faculty. These classes bring the caregiver with their youngster into the studio for music and movement that stimulate the mind and body, building strong neural connections.

To make your life easier, these classes are taught in three sessions so you don't have to worry about making it work though the busiest times of year! We've got the breaks built in.

Nurturing Baby is for youngsters ages 2 months and up, before they have started walking.

Caregiver & Toddler is for those youngsters who are walking, up to 2.5 years of age.

Fall Session: September 10 - November 19

Winter Session: January 7 - February 25

Spring Session: March 11 - May 20

These are non-performing classes!

Once your child is 2.5 years old and up, they can join in Mini Movers! You can see all of the class descriptions for ages 2.5 and up on our classes page.

Register your youngster and create an account in JackRabbit or give us a call to ask any questions you may have.

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